- To ensure the whole school curriculum is broad and balanced; relevant to the needs of all children; provides continuity and progression; is adequately resourced and fulfils statutory requirements.
- To contribute, in collaboration with staff, to the monitoring and evaluation of sections of the School Improvement Plan relating to management and leadership of the curriculum and teaching, learning and assessment.
- To scrutinise curriculum progress reports which analyse whole school data annually and provide information on statutory and non-statutory assessment. Where there are variations in outcomes for groups of pupils, to challenge in order to achieve continued improvement.
- To regularly review and recommend ratification of policies within the remit of the committee and in line with statutory requirements.
- To monitor statutory requirements in relation to safeguarding, attendance, behaviour and racism.
- To triangulate data and reports provided by ensuring frequent visits to school during the working day.
- To oversee the long-term strategic planning of the school’s finances and ensure the school is able to meet our long and short-term objectives.
- To oversee the preparation of the annual budget plan and ensure it links to the school development plan priorities agreed by the governing body.
- To agree the final budget and recommend it for approval to the full governing body.
- To agree the level of delegation to the headteacher for the day-to-day financial management of the school.
- To monitor income and expenditure of all funds and to evaluate spending to ensure value for money, and its use at achieving the objectives of the school.
- To ensure accurate accounts are kept and ensure key financial decisions are properly recorded.
- To ensure a register of pecuniary and business interests for governors and staff is kept and is open to inspection and to review and approve the school’s charging and remissions policy.
- To make decisions in respect of service agreements, contracts and other financial matters.
- To ensure the school meets the relevant criteria in the Schools Financial Value Standard.
- To keep the Admissions policy under review and recommend to the GB any changes that appear desirable.
- To manage the admissions process, in accordance with the policy approved by the GB, including the timetable and determination of offers to be made against the admissions criteria and to report to the GB in summary.
Heads Support
- To carry out the annual appraisal of the Headteacher in accordance with legal requirements and the pay policy of the school.
- To appoint a suitably qualified external adviser/reviewer to support and advise them in the appraisal of the headteacher. This appointment should be confirmed each year at a full governing body meeting and should not be delegated to the headteacher to decide.
- To set the headteacher’s objectives after consultation with the external adviser and discussion with the headteacher and discuss progress against the previous years objectives and make a recommendation on pay to the Finance and Staffing committee.