Eden Primary is a creative, innovative and forward-thinking Jewish school where everyone is welcome, firmly led by our vision and values.

Our community is warm and vibrant. We provide a nurturing and secure environment in which children are taught the values and skills that help them become confident, resilient and caring individuals. Children’s happiness and emotional wellbeing is vital to enable them to thrive and contribute to society.

At Eden a love of learning shines through, supported by an exciting, rich and balanced curriculum leading to excellent academic outcomes. We know every child as an individual, enabling them to flourish as we develop their talents and skills across a wide range of subjects. Our school is a place where exploration, creativity, discussion, and excitement for learning are highly prized, within a community who respect and learn from one another.

Jewish teaching, knowledge and values are at the core of the school’s ethos and curriculum and every child’s background is celebrated and reflected in our curriculum. Eden warmly welcomes Jewish families from across the entire religious spectrum who practice their Judaism in a multiplicity of different ways, and, equally, local families from other backgrounds and religions.  Children develop a strong sense of their own identity, tradition and culture and learn about the religious, cultural and the ethnic background of their friends and communities.

When you walk around our school, you can see the range of innovative learning taking place both in the classroom and in outside areas. Eden recognises and provides for the needs of every child in an inclusive learning environment. Our school is opposite one of London’s most ancient woods, and our garden is a place of wonder and natural discovery. We believe that adventure and outdoor education, active and experiential learning contribute to educating self-confident, responsible and collaborative human beings by tapping into their inherent curiosity and fascination in the world around them.

We warmly welcome you to visit and to join us.

Helen Graff, Head Teacher.

Helen Graff

Head Teacher, Designated Safeguarding Lead

Deniz Ozturk

School Business Manager, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Kate Caplan

Inclusion Lead/SENDCo, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Yifat Johnson

Assistant Head Teacher, Jewish Studies Lead

Laura Proffitt

Assistant Head Teacher, Year 6 – Tmarim (Date Palms) Teacher

Martin Lubich

Senior Leader, Year 4 – Nitzanim (Buds) Teacher

Upcoming Events

17 February 2025
February 17 - February 21
9 April 2025
Spring Holidays
April 9 - April 18
21 April 2025
Bank Holiday
April 21
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