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National Primary Schools’ Chess Championship

25 February 2025

Kamlesh Karia, chess teacher, says:

The school’s U9 and U11 chess teams had a tough chess day in the National Primary Schools Chess
Championship Zonal Qualifier on Sunday 9th February.

The U9 team – Year 4 Noam, Isaiah, Iddo, Elay, Noah and Gidi were up against teams from two of the stronger chess schools in North London UCS and Pointer.

We had two U11 teams competing. The Year 6 team was Jack, Geva, Saul, Sam, Joseph and Isaac . The Year 5 team was Tom, Sienna, Eve, Theo and Inbal.

Both the U11 teams played matches against Pointer, Hereward House, Weston Park and they also had to face each other in one round.

Though a tough chess day, the children should not be too disheartened. Tournament chess is very different from playing friends in the school chess club. But today’s experience will stand them in good stead in future tournaments.

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