Open House and Visit Eden

We are very pleased to be able to invite you to visit Eden Primary if you are interested in a Reception place for your child.  Our Open House and Visit Eden events take place annually in the Autumn Term.

We current have no upcoming Open House evenings. Please check back with us in September.

School in Action Sessions:

We follow Open House with School in Action sessions where we invite prospective parents to visit Eden during the school day. These adult only tours for prospective parents have now taken place for this year.

We were pleased to welcome so many prospective parents this year.  If you missed these events, please let us know if you have any questions. Choosing your child’s primary school is one of the most important decisions you face as parents, and if you are interested in Eden Primary, we want to make sure you have all the information you need.

Memories of Eden Primary by ex-pupils: 

Only now that I have moved to a big secondary school can I really appreciate one of the things that Jo used to say made Eden special. That is community. Being a small school meant that all the pupils and teachers knew each other and we all felt that we were part of one big family. This community also involved things we did out of school such as Edenfest, an annual camping weekend away for children and their parents. Our Eden family also has a school dog, Otto who would come into school a few days a week. He was always very good at calming down the classes and being the centre of attention. A special thing about the school is that it is opposite Coldfall Woods. Our class spent every Friday afternoon in the woods and the teachers would always combine fun with lessons. I especially remember Pesach in the woods. One of things I will always remember are my teachers. They always made classes interesting and fun but were also very supportive if I ever needed any help. I am also really grateful that I was nominated to take part in a Royal Institution maths course which was an amazing opportunity. Everyone’s favourite events were the school trips. The highlights for me were the year 3 camping trip, kayaking in year 4 and the year 6 residential but I also remember trips to the British Museum and the beach. There are lots of  clubs  and I was a member of the choir. We even had the chance to sing at the Wigmore Hall which was a great experience.  I had a really happy time at Eden and I am sure that any other child would have the same feeling.

Eve – Class of 2021

I was very happy at Eden and it gave me a strong foundation for my future education. I loved the warm and nurturing community of teachers, families and friends.  I loved the great extra-curricular activities including piano, chess, netball, football, drama and running.  I loved Edenfest, our wonderful annual 2-night camping trip organised by parents every summer.  I loved the fun sleepovers in school at the end of Year 2, and in Kent in Year 5 and all the learning activities in our trips to the woods opposite our school.  I enjoyed our wonderful art projects and the Jewish learning which gave me a very strong Jewish identity. I spent 7 very happy years at Eden Primary.

Zach – Class of 2020

Eden is a very special community where everyone looks out for each-other and older children really care for younger children.  We are all taught to be kind and to help people.  Everyone at Eden is available to talk to you if you have any worries or problems. I enjoyed all the school projects where we mixed in our year groups with our teachers.  I really liked the fact that we called our teachers by their first names which makes it easy to feel comfortable with them.  Eden provided me with a really good Jewish education which was taught very creatively including a whole day in the woods with Passover activities.  The art programme at Eden involves so many creative projects which are linked to the work in all our subject areas.  This way of working really prepared me for secondary school because it helped me to understand abstract concepts and to think critically.  At Eden we were encouraged to discuss ideas and have our own opinions.  Being part of the Eden community has given me amazing friends and a great start in my new school.

Annabel – Class of 2020

Please call or email if you have any other questions, or if anything is not clear.  We will be pleased to hear from you.

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