Open House and Visit Eden

We strongly encourage you to visit Eden Primary if you are interested in a Reception place for your child. Our Open House evening takes place annually in the Autumn Term. You will hear from children, a parent, our Headteacher and Trustees about what makes Eden a unique place to grow and learn. We also offer advice about the application process and a tour of our beautiful school.

Our Open House Evening this year is Wednesday 6th November, starting at 7:30pm.

Once you have attended the Open House evening, please do come and see the school in action. Our School in Action sessions follow on from the information you have gained at the open house, and allow you to see the children at work and play during a typical morning in school. These are adult only tours for prospective parents.

School in Action sessions continue to run throughout the year offering a chance for anyone who could not make the Autumn Term dates to visit and meet us.

To book a space for the Open House Evening and any of our School in Action sessions, please email our Admissions Officer, Yeliz Ozturk, at  and include the full names of those who will be attending.

Please note that there are limited spaces for these events.

Dates and timings for all upcoming School in Action sessions are listed in the calendar and will be updated throughout the academic year.

Our School in Action sessions on Thursday 7th November & Thursday 5th December are now fully booked, further dates are listed in the calendar below.

We are always pleased to welcome prospective parents.  Whether you attended or missed these events, please let us know if you have any questions. Choosing your child’s primary school is one of the most important decisions you face as parents, and if you are interested in Eden Primary, we want to make sure you have all the information you need.

Please call or email if you have any other questions, or if anything is not clear.  We will be pleased to hear from you.

Upcoming Events

8 May 2025
School in Action
9:30 am - 11:00 am
5 June 2025
School in Action
9:30 am - 11:00 am
3 July 2025
School in Action
9:30 am - 11:00 am
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