Wherever possible, we will employ the philosophies of the schools of Reggio Emilia, delivering our curriculum through inspiring, creative and research based projects that are open to the interests and questions of all our pupils. This practise is inclusive therefore being inclusive to all types of learners.
Children will develop a deeper understanding of, and fascination with, the ever-changing world we live in. We aspire to offer our children a taste of real and current scientific investigations so they can see themselves as active participants of the science of the 21st Century.
We recognise the importance of Science in every aspect of daily life and therefore will ensure that it is integrated with other aspects of our curriculum, as well being delivered through discrete teaching to ensure we maintain the subject discipline. We also understand that children have a natural curiosity for the world and environment around them. Our learning environment will both inspire and support pupils and ensure that all learners can access and enjoy the curriculum.

Eden fosters a love of nature, the environment, and outdoor education so that the children can develop self- confidence and well-being. Additionally we will inspire our pupils to learn how to enjoy, protect and take responsibility for the wider world around them as well as understanding and respecting its diversity. Our study of science links directly to this core strand of our ethos. We will use this ideology as a springboard to encourage discussion and debate so that our pupils will be inspired to think creatively. Furthermore, as a Jewish community, we aim to spark discussions about our responsibility to look after and respect our planet. We also seek to find links between our Jewish identities and the ever changing,
scientific world that we live in.
As one of the core subjects taught in Primary Schools, we seek to give the teaching and learning of Science the prominence it requires through the disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics; for this we follow the National Curriculum. Through the progression and coverage of relevant and non-negotiable key skills and knowledge, we aim to build up pupils’ scientific understanding of our world. We also focus on developing the skills and language associated with Science, in particular thinking and working scientifically, so that our pupils will ask thoughtful and intelligent questions and graduate Eden as collaborative, inquiry based learners.