Introduction to Curriculum at Eden Primary
The school’s curriculum is informed by thoughtful decision making about the knowledge and content included taking into account both general and Jewish studies.
Well-being, mental and physical health and the development of skills and personal qualities essential for 21st century living also inform the curriculum.
The curriculum is continually monitored, evaluated and developed as the school evolves and is driven forward by key instructional leadership and teaching staff in the light of the most current research into best practice research, new initiatives and directives.
The curriculum is flexible and responsive to the interests of pupils and takes into to account the passions of teaching staff and current and local/world events.
This ensures that effective teaching and learning takes place, and pupils reach the highest levels of attainment.
Eden Primary is an inclusive school where curriculum and quality first teaching takes into account the needs and neurodiversity of all pupils.
The curriculum influences the design of the learning environment which provides stimulating opportunities alongside teachers and peers.

Eden Primary Curriculum Intent
Eden Primary is committed to being a high achieving and ambitious school to challenge our capable and motivated learners. Graduates of the school will leave as well-rounded, responsible, respectful, knowledgeable, thoughtful, caring and communally active individuals
The curriculum is broad and balanced and prepares children thoroughly for the next stage of their education. Our curriculum promotes a love of learning in both secular and Jewish studies, with the goal of education becoming a lifelong process. We aim for children to love coming to school and show passion and curiosity about their learning.
The curriculum ensures progression in and coverage of non-negotiable basic skills and key/ relevant knowledge. A graduate will leave the school with strong basic skills, important foundational knowledge in both Jewish and secular education and good study skills.
Curriculum follows the EYFS Framework in Reception and the National Curriculum in English, Maths and Science. Schemes of work in foundation subjects take careful account of National Curriculum guidance in KS1 and 2. The Jewish Education curriculum has been developed by Eden Primary.
The approach to learning, paralleled in both Jewish and general studies, stresses strong skill development and knowledge acquisition, combined with an emphasis on discourse, exploration, problem solving and openness to how children think.
Jewish and General Education are taught within interdisciplinary, integrated themes as well as through discrete subject based learning. Thematic learning ensures that the relationship between Jewish and general learning is seamless and provides a model for the children’s lives within a diverse society.
Eden Primary is an inclusive school, engendering a sense of community and belonging for all children. Children with SEND are as far as possible integrated into mainstream classes. Barriers to learning are identified and varied ways to access the curriculum effectively are introduced to enable all children to achieve ambitious targets in all areas of school life.
Eden pupils develop the ability to think creatively and critically, ask intelligent questions, engage in discussion and apply their knowledge and skills to meaningful and authentic projects and life experiences. Our aim is that pupils express themselves confidently. Eden Primary graduates will be articulate and have the skills to discuss and debate respectfully and to listen to, think and respond appropriately to others.
Whatever their background, children will take their place as young citizens of the Jewish and wider communities proudly and confidently, with a strong sense of their own Jewish, British and universal identities and values and as members of other groups.
Jewish education is open and multidenominational. Personal interpretation and questioning is valued.
Children appreciate, respect, celebrate and learn from diversity in many forms. The curriculum reflects the diversity of Jewish life and the diverse, interdependent local and global society of the wider world.
Creative and research based elements of the curriculum are inspired by the schools and practice of Reggio Emilia and the school employs a Studio Teacher who works in all classes to deepen learning across the curriculum, through a rich variety of creative languages.
Outdoor education is pivotal in our curriculum, making use of the rich resources of our school site, Coldfall Woods (which is just across the road) and other outdoor environments visited on trips or residential visits.

Curriculum Implementation
The curriculum is at the heart of Eden Primary and:
- Is broad, balanced, relevant and coherent
- Is matched to the needs and abilities of all learners
- Develops the child as a valued and whole individual
- Encourages pupils to discuss, reflect upon and assess their learning
- Reflects the diversity of Jewish life
- Reflects a multi-cultural, diverse, interdependent and global society
- Encourages a commitment to lifelong learning
- Prepares children to participate fully in Jewish life
- Prepares learners for the opportunities, responsibilities of real life experiences
- Prepares children to give and care for others
The curriculum at Eden Primary always includes:
- Awareness and celebration of difference and diversity
- An open Jewish education where interpretation and questioning is valued
- Learning about a wide variety of religions, races and cultures
- Quality relationships within a caring and emotionally responsive community
- Jewish and universal values
- Concern for equal opportunities and safety
- Presentation of the learning environment
- Spiritual, moral and cultural dimensions
- The intrinsic joy and celebration of achievement and success
Curriculum delivery will incorporate thematic and subject-based approaches in order to capitalise on the strengths of both, allied to the age- and development-related needs of pupils and the professional judgment of teachers, remaining mindful of the needs of assessment regimes as may apply from time to time.
The curriculum will be shaped by the range of teaching strategies and learning styles within the school. Through schemes of work, it will build on existing knowledge, skills and understanding and so provide for continuity and progression. Planning will recognise and respond to the needs of all pupils, including those who under-achieve and those who are more able.
How can parents or other members of the public find out more about the curriculum our school is following?
Our school website provides curriculum information in the form of:
- Long Term Plans, detailing an outline of the curriculum in each year group across the whole year
- Medium Term Plans, detailing what will be taught in each class each term.
- Curriculum statements and policies.
- Links to National Curriculum documentation in the subjects where we follow the National Curriculum. (English, Maths and Science)
There are lots of knowledgeable teachers and staff around the school at all times to field any questions for new and anxious parents.
Here at Eden we want to work in partnership with parents, providing as much curriculum information as possible. To this end we hold the following meetings each year:
Curriculum Evenings for parents in the Autumn and Spring terms. Parents are invited to a short talk by the Head Teacher or another senior leader on a curriculum theme, followed by a meeting in their child’s classroom to discuss and find out more about what’s planned for the term or terms ahead and how they can support their child.
Themed curriculum evenings across the year, including e-safety meetings, which are held on or near Safer Internet Day each year. These vary from year to year. Previous events have included Maths Mastery, Forest Schools and Reading with Your Child.
Teacher/Parent consultation evenings three times per year.
Prospective parents are invited to our Open House evening, held once a year, and our School In Action Sessions.
If needed, additional curriculum information can be sought from our Head Teacher or senior leadership team via the contact section of our website.