Truly Great Teaching at Eden Primary

Teachers build strong, emotionally responsive relationships with all children in which they:

  • See children as capable and competent and have high expectations for achievement and behaviour
  • Respect, value and listen to children
  • Encourage confidence and risk taking
  • Celebrate diversity and care about inclusion
  • Reflect the school’s core values
  • Manage behaviour for learning effectively

Teaching, Learning and Assessment

  • Children’s love of learning is inspired at all times by stimulating and engaging learning experiences across a balanced and integrated Jewish and General Studies curriculum.
  • Teachers have strong knowledge of the curriculum and research good practice.
  • Teaching is planned to ensure that all children are engaged in meaningful, challenging and purposeful learning experiences, making progress and achieving great outcomes.
  • Children make or exceed expected progress
  • Lessons have clear learning objectives and success criteria which are shared with and made relevant to the children.
  • Teachers use subject knowledge and assessment to progress learning, identify misconceptions and adapt teaching.
  • Teachers provide feedback to children about achievements and targets verbally and in next step marking.
  • Teaching assistants work effectively as directed by class teachers to support learning.
  • Teachers build strong and professional relationships with parents and carers.
  • Teachers promote high standards of literacy and numeracy across the curriculum

The Eden Primary Learning Environment is:

  • Calm, safe and orderly as a result of effective classroom organisation
  • Reflects the school ethos and values
  • Inspires and supports learning
  • Communicates high expectations


  • Express thoughts and ideas and engage in respectful discourse
  • Think creatively, critically and imaginatively
  • Engage in peer and self-evaluation and articulate next steps for development
  • Remain engaged in learning tasks independently or as part of a collaborative group
  • Take responsibility for their own behaviour to create a happy and purposeful atmosphere conducive to learning for all.
  • Explore, and investigate and play to construct knowledge and understanding in social interactions

Each lesson at Eden:

  • Is pitched at a challenging level taking account of NC and EYFS expectations
  • Is intellectually challenging, stimulating and meaningful for all children to ensure strong outcomes
  • Is well paced and uses time productively to ensure that children make progress; whole class sessions are interactive and of an appropriate length
  • Draws on children’s experiences, personal connections and prior knowledge
  • Is carefully scaffolded, resources and differentiated for each and every child
  • Involves good questioning from children and adults
  • Requires enquiry and thought
  • Involves discussion and the expression of ideas
  • Is well-resourced to support and inspire
  • Provides children with feedback about their learning and next steps for improvement
  • Has high expectations of and develops successful learning behaviours, presentation, literacy and numeracy
  • Involve children thinking about and reflecting on their learning and progress; metacognition
  • Involves assessment and record keeping

Is structured in the following way:

  1. Clear learning objective articulated. By the end of this lesson you will be able to….
  2. Exciting input/provocation at start; either a stimulating, exploratory activity or whole class teacher led interactive input
  3. Discussion and questioning to clarify meaning or learning
  4. Clear modelling of expectations in every respect: task, presentation, success criteria for any task set, learning behaviours
  5. Tasks which may be independent or a group led by an adult
  6. Continued teacher input while children work independently or in groups: feedback redirection, exemplification, addressing misconceptions and mistakes
  7. Closure/plenary to address issues, comment on learning, check learning, evaluate learning.
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