All children at Eden eat lunch in our dining hall (Cafe Eden) where meals are lovingly prepared by Nourish, currently catering to thousands of pupils in over one hundred and eighty sites, across London and the South of England. Always using fresh kosher (fleishich/meaty or vegetarian ingredients), lunch each day is followed by a dessert or fruit, and there is additional salad, bread and fruit available.

We are committed to providing freshly cooked food, served ‘family style’. This shared Café Eden lunch-time gives us the opportunity to help develop children’s enjoyment of food, social skills, sense of responsibility, and also food knowledge. All the children take part in laying tables, serving one-another and clearing. Children enjoy lunch in mixed aged groups.

Café Eden is thoughtful and attentive when managing children’s individual dietary requirements such as allergies and intolerances.

If your child requires a medical diet due to a diagnosed food allergy, diagnosed food intolerance or a medical condition requiring an adapted menu (e.g. carbohydrate count for Type 1 Diabetes), please contact Yeliz, Administrator,

Main Menu

Monday 24th March – 28th March 2025

Vegetarian Menu

Monday 24th March – 28thMarch 2025

Challah bites, bread, salad and fruit available every day.

An alternative meal will be available every day.

For detailed menu please see attached.

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