Our uniform tops are available in three different colours, which reflects our belief in the value of diversity. Children and parents can choose whichever colour they want to wear on any day, bringing a welcome degree of personal choice into the realm of uniform dressing. This means that our assembled pupils look as bright and varied as they truly are.

The uniform is available from our online supplier. The customised (embroidered) items are from https://myclothing.com/ You can buy the whole uniform online but a trip to any supermarket will also supply you with the non-customised items, as they are fairly standard kit.

The following customised (embroidered) items with the Eden Primary logo are available to be bought from  MyClothing:

Polo Shirt with Eden logoWhite, burgundy, bluehttps://myclothing.com/
Sweatshirt with Eden logoGreen, burgundy, bluehttps://myclothing.com/
We encourage you to choose different colours when buying more than one of the above items, giving children choice and reflecting our diverse ethos. 
PE Kit bag with Eden logoBlackhttps://myclothing.com/
Book bag with Eden logoGreen – This bag is to be used in Reception and in Year 1.https://myclothing.com/
Backpack with Eden logoBurgundy, blue or green (medium) – This bag is to be used in Years 2 – 6.
dark blue (large) – The larger bag is optional for Years 5 and 6.
Available to order from the school office.

Non-embroidered standard items: Boys and girls can choose from any of the items below which are available from any supermarket or supplier of your choice.

Joggers, sweatpants, trousers, leggings, tunic, shorts or skirtsBlack
Socks or tightsBlack or white
Gym top (short sleeved T shirt)White
PE shoes (plimsolls)Black
Gym shorts or joggersBlack


Wearing a kippah or tzitzit is not compulsory. If any of our pupils wear them at home, then they are very welcome to wear them in school. It is however expected that boys, and girls who choose to do so, will wear a kippah during Jewish prayers. We keep a variety of kippot in school and introduce them to the children during the year. Children may bring their own kippah to school if they would like.

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