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Purim Day @ Eden

Chag Purim Sameach!

What a lovely day of celebration we have had today at Eden. Yesterday, Shorashim made so many hamantaschen. These have been packed into decorated bags for a Mishloach Manot gift for you to enjoy this afternoon.

This morning in a special Purim assembly, Eli read from the Megillah for us and we made a big noise every time Haman’s name was mentioned. We are so lucky to have our own Megillah scroll, and during this week all classes have had a chance to look at it and read from it, or hear it being read.

We sang Purim songs led by Daliah, and then had the most exciting costume parade. The children’s
costumes were excellent and we all had a lot of fun. The day continued with lots of singing and
dancing, Megillah retelling and art and craft work related to the festival.

The four mitzvot of Purim are all related to taking care of one another, and this is exactly what Eden children are good at.

As well as listening to the megillah, our younger children decorated Mishloach Manot bags today, and the older children filled them with treats. This is a lovely way to make a Purim gift to another child or another family.

This year our dress up theme was Science Fiction. See our amazing costumes below!

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