Wow! I am sure you will agree with me that Monday and Tuesday’s concerts were absolutely wonderful. I was so impressed with the children’s hard work and the standard of singing they achieved. After the lockdowns and the return to school when we were not allowed to sing at all, singing is well and truly back at Eden with a passion.
There are many elements to master when singing to an audience. The words and melody are only the first lesson! There is diction to consider; how to put the song across to the audience (the acting and expressiveness); timing and rhythm, learning any actions or percussion parts, harmonies and part singing; solos; and, of course, how to present yourself on stage. Our children, from Garinim to Oranim, performed at a high level, showing that they are hitting the targets for their class music learning.
Thank you for filling the hall and for your respectful listening. Our children deserve that hushed reverence when they perform and it elevates their performance. Not only that, we all thoroughly enjoyed it! I would like to thank you all so much for being incredibly good sports and joining in with songs. The children love it when they can teach the grown-ups something, and this is how we make them memories to treasure.