Schools with a religious character are subject to inspection under section 48 of the Education Act 2005. This is similar to OFSTED but focuses solely on the religious education provided. Inspections take place approximately every five years.
Pikuach is the Jewish Schools’ Inspectorate.
Pikuach inspections focus on three main areas:
- The Quality of Jewish Education (Hebrew is inspected where it relates to Jewish Education but not as a modern foreign language)
- Jewish Personal and Spiritual Development
- Leadership and Management.
Eden Primary was last inspected by Pikuach on the 18th and 19th December 2023. This inspection awarded a grade of OUTSTANDING in each of the three areas and therefore OUTSTANDING in terms of overall effectiveness.
Eden was also graded Outstanding at our previous inspection in 2018.
We are extremely proud of this outcome and hope that you will read the report, attached below: